4 Reasons Physical Therapy is a Better Option For Pain Relief Than Opioids

4 Reasons Physical Therapy is a Better Option For Pain Relief Than Opioids

Chronic pain relief Cary, NC

Have you ever felt a nagging or constant pain that just wouldn’t go away no matter what you did? You might have suffered from “chronic pain.” Chronic pain affects 50 million adults in America—that’s nearly 20 percent of us! You might be part of that statistic if your pain and dysfunction have been a fixture in your daily life for at least three months or more.

Back pain gets in the way of everyday life, and many people find themselves turning to harmful painkillers and medication to alleviate their pain. The problem with this is that these medications are addictive, and only provide temporary relief for a person’s symptoms.  In other words, they do more harm than good.

Physical therapy is a healthy and safe alternative to opioids. Our experienced and friendly physical therapist staff here at our clinic is dedicated to helping our patients move with greater confidence, comfort, and ease. Our mission is so much more than just alleviating your pain. We want to make sure you never feel the need to use medications as a crutch for your pain.

Call us today to learn more about our physical therapy services and how they can benefit you!

1. Physical therapy can find the underlying cause of your pain.

Effective pain relief isn’t just about “fixing” your pain symptoms. Physical therapists are naturally curious—we want to know why you’re having pain in the first place, not just slap a band-aid over it!

After providing a thorough diagnosis at your initial appointment, a physical therapist can help you understand why your pain is happening by pinpointing factors contributing to it. Then, they can create and implement a comprehensive, unique plan of care to address your condition.

Your physical therapist’s approach may include pain-relieving and tissue healing interventions such as massage, joint mobilizations, electrical stimulation, dry needling, cold laser therapy, and more. The best part about these treatments, (besides the fact that they’re effective!) is that they are drug-free, non-invasive, and safe.

2. Physical therapy can help you become stronger and more mobile.

When we’re in pain, sometimes our first instinct is to rest. However, human bodies were meant to move! We need strong, yet flexible connective tissues to help us do this. A physical therapist can teach you exercises and stretches to increase your strength and range of motion. This can help you feel better and more secure in your daily function—whether you’re a competitive athlete, an active grandparent, or someone working in a physically demanding profession.

3. Physical therapy can keep you active.

One of the most common causes of pain in the US is osteoarthritis. The Arthritis Foundation states that exercise is one of the best ways to manage chronic pain caused by this condition. Exercise has also been shown to relieve other chronic pain conditions, in part by stimulating the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that naturally alleviate pain.

A physical therapist can provide valuable guidance, movement instructions, and activity recommendations for you. If you’re not sure which exercises are safe for you, no worries! That’s what they’re there for! He or she can teach you how to be more in tune with your body and listen to what it’s trying to tell you during exercise. This can help you manage your underlying health conditions that could otherwise make exercise painful and nearly impossible.

4. Physical therapy can help relieve your pain, both in and out of our office.

A physical therapist doesn’t just care about what you’re doing while in the clinic. Our attentive and caring staff also wants to make sure you’re succeeding when you aren’t here as well!

Not only can we create a customized treatment plan for your specific needs that involve stretches and targeted exercises, but we can also teach you ways to move (at work, at the gym, and home) that are biomechanically safer and more efficient so you can avoid recurring issues and perform daily functions with greater ease and energy.

Say yes to physical therapy; call us today!

Opioids are riskier than they’re worth. These highly addictive pain-relieving medications can result in addiction issues, other health concerns, or even death. There’s no reason to settle for this kind of fake “pain-relief” when physical therapy exists.

If you’re currently taking prescription opioids or another type of pain medication, talk to your doctor about physical therapy. You can also call our clinic today to learn more about how a physical therapist may be able to help you reduce your intake of opioids – or even eliminate them from your life altogether.


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